What PEMF therapy and acupuncture have in common is you! The patient. The human. The cells. Energy, Qi or Chi or Vital Life Force, Innate Intelligence, are all terms that are used to describe virtuous cellular functioning. This Chi, or energy, was observed thousands of years ago and noted historically, particularly in the healing traditions in ancient China starting around 2500 years ago. Practitioners observed that there was a difference between the physical organ itself and its functioning. An example being that although there is a physical stomach intact, it's the Qi of the organ or cells that actually determine its functional capacity. Modern day science has discovered cellular ion exchange and ATP production within the cell. The healthier the cell, the more ready it is to exchange ions and produce more ATP. Happy cells mean a happy human! Acupuncture, like PEMF therapy, helps the central nervous system (your brain and spinal cord) rewire and restore a more virtuous expression in the peripheral nervous system. Both Acupuncture and PEMF are a whole body treatment, positively affecting the way the body moves as it is all intricately connected through tissue and fascia. These therapeutic sessions help to rewire and optimize the way your brain and body communicates and self-regulates. Acupuncture helps optimize cellular function by upregulating or “hacking” the body to a more favourable hormone and genetic expression more specifically, while PEMF treats and optimizes cellular ion exchange throughout the body, so a more general treatment form. Both modalities treat the cause of the problem, while also easing symptoms. Both PEMF and acupuncture help increase peripheral circulation, increasing blood flow in the small capillaries that supply blood and the nutrients and oxygen that it carries to each and every part of your body. When the two modalities are combined, the overall effects of the acupuncture treatment are reinforced and anecdotally, the patients experience a more therapeutic sensation afterwards. PEMF helps to “keep” the positive results of the acupuncture treatment for a longer time. If you are a patient of acupuncture or are an acupuncturist interested in combining the modalities in your clinic, trust your intuition and try it to see the difference it makes in the individual healing timeline. Chronic or long standing conditions always take longer to resolve than acute or milder conditions, so it's important to have a positive regard to a realistic healing schedule. Although there is no “miracle” cure, working consistently to support cells with exercise and diet and mindful movements helps to reinforce the healing experienced in treatment. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the diagnosis and treatment often relies on categorizing the symptoms that the patients are experiencing into a pattern, and treating the energetic and physical mechanisms of the body to help relieve the cause of symptoms. As with each therapeutic modality, the results and relief depend on the individual's constitution and pathogenic factors. One of the benefits of acupuncture and of PEMF treatments is a more intimate and compassionate relationship with the body. In chronic pain pathologies, the brain is sensing the body is in danger due to a current or past injury, creating a pain response, firing the neurons that cause pain symptoms. Both modalities help the patient create a felt sense of relief and safely within the body, dialling down the undesired nerve activation. The result is less pain! With enough reminders, the body has the ability to relearn more favourable and calm activation states. If you're an acupuncturist, combining PEMF with needle treatments helps speed up the changes felt in the channel. Both excess and deficient conditions are benefited with the gentle electromagnetic stimulation. Working synergistically, the patient will feel the stimulation from the needles and their energetic action will be further enforced with the PEMF influenced cellular response.
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